I realize I haven't updated in a long time... although admittedly, neither have a lot of you *points finger accusingly at friends on blogspot whose blogs have stayed stagnant for the past few months*. I figure I might as well post some pictures and fortune cookies I've accumulated throughout the past few months of school (since obviously I can't come up with any focused, quality content right now)
...Feels like a good amount of things have happened.
[Random Pictures]

Buying shoes with the suite-mates

Login info an administrator gave me at my volunteer workplace... password "Sunshine!"--made me laugh.

Seoul Taco; never heard of this b4... but I was REALLY looking forward to it...

We got there and it was sold out.. T_T;

You can tell how close a suite is when you see how close they're willing to come together.. physically :P

Sign in the bathroom of "Pho Long"; amusing, no?

Complimentary cup of soup!!

I love pho more than life itself; wait no, not true... but pretty damn close.

One of Jimmy K's new signature drinks, that he dedicated to me
Titled: "The Intern" (Under the "Grumpy Old Man" Collection)
Titled: "The Intern" (Under the "Grumpy Old Man" Collection)

1.) Yes it does, and yes it did, and yes it still has yet to do.

2.) I wish. Well... we are all the masters of our own circumstances, that I will agree with.
3.) Wait wat?
4.) Nah, I'd rather have company.

5.) Thank you for the vote of confidence.

6.) I did, but... there are just SO MANY things I want in life :D
7.) Hahah, yeah? Don't really think of myself as having charm, but if you say so.
8.) Good to hear. :)
"You will meet someone interesting at a strange party" (Not Pictured)
9.) Hahahahahhahaahhahah... lol yeah...
[Life Hacks]
^A new segment about the little things I notice in life that make things just that much better.
I've recently picked up on two pretty random things (that probably sound ridiculously obvious to the rest of you)
1.) Having a netbook in class makes taking notes and being productive so much easier!
2.) Bringing a water bottle around everywhere is convenient, cost-effective, and healthy.