Truth be told, for a while now I've wanted to learn how to sing--I think it might be something I will actively pursue now in my free time... along with my billion other hobbies, hahah.
I bought a usb condenser microphone a while back but never really had a good chance to use it until recently after I got myself a mic stand for it :)
Just made a recording to one of Buble's earlier songs.
Michael Buble - "You and I", Practice Cover, mp3 ver. (6/09/11) by bicente
Excuse the horrible singing.. I pretty much butchered the song with my wimpy-ass n00b voice.. but hey, it's a first effort--not like I'm exactly looking to impress anyone.
- cannot vocalize loudly (but it would really be helpful if I had a soundproof place to practice or just a very isolated area with nobody around me..)
- my pitch wavers... a lot.
- my "vibrato" sounds fake and forced to me.. actually tried to limit doing it
- definitely went down an octave at the climax... don't have the capacity in my range to sing that high, haha (don't think I ever well)
- nothing special about my tone... pretty boring actually
I had to make this at night in my family room so that I wouldn't bother the rents.. and also so they wouldn't notice that I'm doing this because it's kinda embarrassing, lol; you might also hear thunder and clock noises, haha, it was raining pretty hard outside.. and I was right next to that clock.. which was already pretty damn loud.
AAAAAANYWAYS... hope you enjoy! (or at least get a good laugh :P)
Oh yeah, and here's a little something I guess I'm going to just try to start/continue doing.
(mostly because it amuses me)
Sometimes I wonder whether I should keep fortunes from fortune cookies and collect them in a little jar.. instead I've decided I'll just take pics of them and post them here.. I dunno, I really do get a kick out of what these things say sometimes...
The top fortune was mine, the middle was my mom's, and the bottom was my dad's.

When I opened it, I thought mine was bad... then I read the rest of them, hahah
None of these are actual "fortunes"... but at least I apparently have a "good sense of humor". :D
those are the BEST fortunes
ReplyDeletecuz you see me in the dorms where the only fashion going on is how well (if at all) i colour coordinate my PJ's lol xD
ReplyDeletei buy a lot of pieces but they're all very, very cheap. i'm trying to reuse my closet right now and hopefully blogging will pull through to make a few extra cents :D not why i do it. hell getting paid like $15 a year through ads isn't enough. that's like $0.00000000001 an hour. also, summer research stipend check is coming today :D :D :D